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Notes for [Java] / [javac] users. (''I use [Java] as a better [C++] and don't use any of the awt/swing stuff, so I can't help there, sorry'' —StuartYeates) !!! MakeFile rules make(1) and [Java] don't play very well together, because unless you're careful you end up starting a new VirtualMachine for every file you want to compile (see the 'classes' target below for a complete hack). Remember that tabs and spaces get confused when cutting and pasting (see MakeFile). <verbatim> JAVAC=javac JAVACOPTIONS= -g:none -O #make a .class file from a .java file %.class: %.java $(JAVAC) $(JAVACOPTIONS) $< # JAVACC stuff #name/location of javacc executable JAVACC=/home/say1/bin/javacc #javacc options JAVACCOPTIONS=-SANITY_CHECK=true -FORCE_LA_CHECK=true -DEBUG_PARSER=true -DEBUG_TOKEN_MANAGER=true # build a java file from a JavaCC file %.java: %.jj $(JAVACC) $(JAVACCOPTIONS) $< # a target that builds all the .java files in sight classes: $(JAVAC) $(JAVACOPTIONS) *.java */*.java */*/*.java </verbatim> !!! Tool support # JavaDoc is your friend. # [Ant] is your friend. # JavaDeps is your friend. # [Eclipse] [IDE] is your friend (supersedes JavaDeps and integrates [Ant] and JavaDoc) !!! Errors Sometimes [javac]/[Java] complains that it can't find files which are plainly there or complains that they're in the wrong place. This is almost always a classpath or a package interaction problem. If the file is not in a package and is in the current directory: # Check that the current directory is in the classpath # Check whether you need to specific ~ClassName or <tt>~ClassName.java</tt> # Check spelling. Spelling matters. If the file is in a package: # Check the above points # Check that the the file is in <tt>/some/path/to/a/dircetory/some/package/heirarchy/~ClassName.java</tt> and is called <tt>~ClassName</tt> and in <tt>/some/package/heirarchy/</tt> package # Check that <tt>/some/path/to/a/dircetory/</tt> is in the the classpath # Check that the current directory is not in the classpath # Check the package name again !! The public type ~SomeClassName must be defined in its own file Check to make sure that the filename of the .java file has the same name as the class inside the file. !!! How do I run a jar file? A JAR file (or Java Archive) is a zip file used to distribute a set of compiled Java classes with some associated metadata. It might be just a library, but could also be an application; in that case, you have to run it via the [JVM]:'''' <verbatim> java -jar $JAR_FILE </verbatim> ---- UserSubmittedNotes
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