Annotated edit history of JamesPluck version 7 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 JamesPluck 1 ''PalmOS Ergo Sum''
4 JamesPluck 3 6'4 ''well-rounded'' individual ~*grin* with hazel eyes and a ready smile. The rest is subject to change without notice!
4 Proud owner of a [BSc] in ComputerScience and Pure Maths from WaikatoUniversity. I've been a [Geek] since __before__ it was cool. :)
6 JamesPluck 5
6 Primarily I am a windows user at home. Mainly because of legacy software I enjoy using and the games I like to play. I am currently building a development box that will be 100% linux. This is because I found at uni that I prefer using a linux environment for my LAMP work and just general web and personal software development (Java usually for software but some C/C++). I've got copies of the Dapper Drake version of ubuntu and kubuntu - as yet I haven't decided which I prefer.
8 I am keen to explore AJAX and learn more about how to use and manage a Linux environment.
7 JamesPluck 9
10 Update 2008: Now running Ubuntu Hardy in a vm under Windows Vista. Still a Linux n00b however!
4 JamesPluck 11
12 email: james at courage dot co dot nz
3 CraigBox 14 -----
15 CategoryHomePage

PHP Warning

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