"apt-get install xorg jwm mc" - make sure xorg is installed FIRST - installing jwm first then xorg does NOT work :-)
'mc' is 'Midnight Commander' - a very useful text-based file manager.
This is due to no config file being found.
The location for the system-wide config file was not created for me so:
"mkdir /etc/jwm"
I found a default one here:
Note the '*.gz' on the end - this indicates it is compressed, and needs uncompressing first.
"cp /usr/share/doc/jwm/examples/example.jwmrc.gz /tmp"
"cd /tmp"
Do a "ls" to make sure you see the above *jwmrc.gz file is present - if not something is wrong.
"gunzip /tmp/example.jwmrc.gz" - this should leave a 'example.jwmrc' file in the '/tmp' directory - do another 'ls' to make sure.
"cp /tmp/example.jwmrc /etc/jwmrc"
'ls /etc/jwm'
Hopefully you boot into a very minmal window manager with at least a menu you can click on :-)
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