Annotated edit history of J2EE version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
6 CraigBox 1 An [Acronym] for [Java] __2__ __E__nterprise __E__dition. As of Java 1.5, it was renamed "Java Platform, Enterprise Edition" or "Java EE".
1 DavidHallett 2
6 CraigBox 3 [Java] EE extends the standard Java specification with standards for developing component-based, multi-tier enterprise applications. Features include WebServices support and development tools ([SDK]).
5 Applications written in Java EE traditionally run on an application server; open source examples include Red Hat's [JBoss] or Sun's reference implementation, GlassFish.
1 DavidHallett 6
4 AristotlePagaltzis 7 For more information, refer to SunMicrosystems' [J2EE] [overview |].