Annotated edit history of IvTv version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
7 SimonGreen 1 From []:
1 DanielLawson 2
4 CriggieCriggie 3 "The primary goal of the IvyTV Project is to create a kernel driver for the iTVC15 familiy of MPEG codecs. The iTVC15 family includes the iTVC15 (CX24315) and iTVC16 (CX24316). These chips are commonly found on Hauppauge's WinTV PVR-150, PVR-250, PVR-350, and PVR-500 TV capture cards"
1 DanielLawson 4
3 CraigBox 5 ivtv is a linux v4l2 kernel driver for [TvTunerCards] like the Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350 used in a recent WLUG MythTV [presentation|].
4 CriggieCriggie 6
7 Some PVR cards have a MCE suffix - which says that the included software is just for WindowsMCE. These cards work fine under IvTv - you don't need to spend the extra for a non-MCE version.
6 CraigBox 8
9 If you are running [Ubuntu] Feisty or higher, the IvTv driver is built into the distribution kernel and will not need to be added separately.
1 DanielLawson 10
5 PerryGilfillan 11 More information can be found at ( previously ) or at IvTvNotes

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