
Differences between version 20 and revision by previous author of IPv6.

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Newer page: version 20 Last edited on Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:02:50 am by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 19 Last edited on Friday, May 20, 2005 1:43:15 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 !! 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses 
 That's 2<sup>128</sup>. That’s more than 665,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 addresses per surface square metre on Earth. So, if you want your toaster to have a large block of [IP] addresses, you can! See [IPv6Addressing] for some information. 
-It also features funky new features such as different address scopes (LinkLocal, SiteLocal, GlobalScope), AnyCast, and MultiCast (and no more BroadCast). Site local has been recently deprecated and is to be replaced by [ULA]. [IPSec] is native to [ IPv6] (it's available to [IPv4] as an add-on, but is kludgy.) Read about some of the mysterious [IPv6Flags]. 
+It also features funky new features such as different address scopes (LinkLocal, SiteLocal, GlobalScope), AnyCast, and MultiCast (and no more BroadCast). Site local has been recently deprecated and is to be replaced by [ULA]. [IPSec] is native to IPv6 (it's available to [IPv4] as an add-on, but is kludgy.) Read about some of the mysterious [IPv6Flags]. 
 Unfortunately no one supports it yet. One day.... 
 !! IPv6 on WLUG 
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 * We have a couple of aliases that are useful for testing: 
 ** only has an IPv4 A record. 
 ** only has an IPv6 AAAA record. 
 * For information about stting up IPv6 on the MetaNet, see [MetaNetIPv6]. 
-* See our [IPv6LessonsLearnt] for some general hints about random things we've learnt while playing with IPv6. 
+* See our [IPv6LessonsLearnt] for some general hints about random things we've learnt while playing with IPv6. [IPv6Errors] describes some error messages you might encounter when using IPv6 on Linux
 !! Getting IPv6 
 There are three methods; get a native allocation of IPv6 addresses from your Internet provider (uncommon; especially in New Zealand), get a tunnel from a tunnel broker, or use IPv6's built IPv4 compatibility. See [IPv6Setup] and [6to4].