Annotated edit history of IPSec version 12, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
7 CraigBox 1 IPSec adds security to [IP].
3 Quick list of links:
5 * Back ported from [IPv6] into [IPv4].
6 * Two types: [ESP] and [AH].
7 * Uses [IKE] for connection and key negotiation.
11 CraigBox 8 * Would help to secure the Internet with OpportunisticEncryption if anyone cared.
9 * Provided on Linux by FreeSwan, or its derivatives OpenSwan or StrongSwan.
7 CraigBox 10 ** [IPSecInstallation]
11 ** [IPSecConfiguration].
12 *** [IPSecConfigurationPSK] (Pre-shared keys)
13 *** [IPSecConfigurationRSA] (RSA keys)
14 *** [IPSecConfigurationNAT] (Tunneling over NAT connection)
11 CraigBox 15 * Since kernel 2.6, the [26sec] implementation is in the mainline kernel. This is configured using either a *S/WAN or IpsecTools.
7 CraigBox 16 * [IPSecBenchmarks].
17 * FreeSwanToCiscoPix (to create a tunnel to a [Cisco] PIX unit)
10 IanMcDonald 18 * Good article explaining [IPSec]
12 CraigBox 19 * [The official IPsec Howto for Linux|]
8 DanielLawson 20
12 CraigBox 21 Other tunnel implementations:
23 * [PPTP], a more [Microsoft] compatible implementation for a secure tunnel to a RoadWarrior
24 * [OpenVPN], cross platform userspace [SSL] VPN
9 PerryLorier 25
26 ----
27 CategoryNetworking