Annotated edit history of IPP version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JohnMcPherson 1 An [Acronym] for __I__nternet __P__rinting __P__rotocol.
3 AristotlePagaltzis 3 A protocol designed to easily allow computers to communicate both with [IPP]-enabled printers, and with computers acting as print servers. It uses [HTTP] on [Port] 631 (listed in services(5)) -- programs send [HTTP] POST requests to print and use special [URL]s to query the spool service. Pointing your WebBrowser at http://localhost:631/ should reveal a web interface to the spool service where you can view the printers available on your machine, including remote printers and print servers that your local machine is set up to use.
1 JohnMcPherson 4
3 AristotlePagaltzis 5 The most commonly used implementation of IPP on [Linux] is called [CUPS]. Recent versions of MicrosoftWindows as well as [MacOSX] also understand and support [IPP].
1 JohnMcPherson 6
7 ----
2 JohnMcPherson 8 Part of CategoryInteroperability and CategoryProtocols