Annotated edit history of HotPlug version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JohnMcPherson 1 [HotPlug]ging refers to insertion and removal of hardware and peripherals while a computer is running ("hot").
3 BigIron machines which typically __must__ be running 24 hours a day for mission critical applications allow insertion and removal of almost all the internal hardware, including [RAM] and [CPU]s, although obviously they must first be disabled by the software.
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6 !!! Hotplug Package
3 JohnMcPherson 7 "hotplug" is also the name of a linux package for managing the drivers/software side of things when hardware changes take place. For example, when [USB] devices are added or removed. There are other types of devices supported (such as CardBus/[PCMCIA] cards), but USB is the predominantly used type.
1 JohnMcPherson 8
9 The way it works is that based on a device's identifying features, you can load different modules and run different scripts.
6 JohnMcPherson 11 See HotPlugNotes for more information and example usage.