Annotated edit history of HelpingOut version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 CraigBox 1 !!Thanks for your interest in helping out with the [WLUG] WikiWikiWeb!
1 PerryLorier 2
4 CraigBox 3 Find something you know about and go check it's all correct, or add anything you know. If you're looking to learn something and share what you learnt:
1 PerryLorier 4
4 CraigBox 5 !!Pages that need extra content:
6 <?plugin BackLinks page=AddToMe noheader=1 ?>
8 !!Pages that people have created references to, but no pages
10 See WantedWikis.
12 !!Pages that have recently changed:
13 <?plugin RecentChanges ?>