Annotated edit history of HJKL version 8, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 AristotlePagaltzis 1 [HJKL] are the movement key standard for NetHack. And also [vi|Vim].
1 DanielLawson 2
2 DanielLawson 3 * H = left
8 HjKl 4 * J = down
5 * K = up
2 DanielLawson 6 * L = right
8 Contrast with [WASD]
6 HenrikPaulini 9
7 CraigBox 10 Some programs (especially games) also provide keys for moving diagonally. Those usually are YUBN. They form a rectangle on US keyboards but are not as mnemonic on some international ones. And they get buggered to hell and back on a split (ergonomic) keyboard.
1 DanielLawson 11 ----
4 IanMcDonald 13 See also ReligiousWar

PHP Warning

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