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An [Acronym] for __H__igh __D__efinition __T__ele__v__ision. HDTV is from what i can tell from a few hours of surfing the net, a VGA signal, but at screwed up* refresh and resolution NOTE - I am in the process of trying the below, i havent done it, im just processing information i find on various websites and trying to put it all in one place for people to use. *screwed up meaning here, not a VGA resolution or timing you would generally see on a PC there is lots of information, the most useful listed below How to use powerstrip to make you PC output friendly HDTV signal http://www.digitalconnection.com/Support/cliffnotes_17.htm It has listed a lot of settings you may need to set your computer to connect it using HDTV to your TV. also check out http://www.digitalconnection.com/FAQ/HDTV_10.asp a ready made xconfig file for an nvidia svideo output is available at http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/XF86Config-HD.txt http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/mythhd.php this will let you do 960x540p or 1920x540p i gather to change the overscan settings to adjust the borders on the display you can adjust the timings in very small increments
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