Annotated edit history of GnomeNotes version 10, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 TomYoung 1 !! Changing the [GNOME] default WebBrowser
3 To change the browser that fires up when you click on links in various [GNOME] applications, just change the default browser in the [GNOME] control center (you can bring up the panel in question directly by running __<tt>gnome-default-applications-properties</tt>__). Enter something like __<tt>opera "%s"</tt>__ or __<tt>mozilla "%s"</tt>__ in the Custom Web Browser box.
5 !! Changing the GNOME2 WindowManager
7 GNOME 1.4 has a capplet for changing window manager. In GNOME 2.x, you can change it
9 * Per user: =$ gconftool -s /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default -t string /usr/bin/sawfish=
10 * System wide: edit /usr/share/gnome/default.wm (maybe)
12 If the above fails because you have a previously saved session with metacity, then loading the Gnome Session manager, deleting 'Default' and then adding a new 'Default' seems to allow sawfish to start.
7 CraigBox 13
10 HenrySpencer 14 According to [Twisted Radix|], this doesn't work on GNOME 2.12+.
7 CraigBox 15
8 CraigBox 16 ;:Edit or create ~/.gnomerc and add "export WINDOW_MANAGER=sawfish" (or whatever) to it.
7 CraigBox 17
8 CraigBox 18 ;:Apparently Gnome 2.12 (and hence Ubuntu Breezy) decided to stop supporting the /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager entry in gconf. The key says "This key has been deprecated since GNOME 2.12", but what they mean is "broken", not "deprecated" (from what I can tell).
5 PerryLorier 19
20 !! Various Power toys for tweaking hidden Gnome preferences
6 MattBrown 22
23 !! Filenames with + signs are not completely selected on Double Click when using gnome-terminal(1)
25 Using the default gnome-terminal(1) settings when double clicking on a filename containing a + character, only the portion of the filename up to the + is selected. This can get incredibly annoying!
27 Fortunately there is a very simple fix, right click on your terminal, choose 'Edit Current Profile', Add + to the end of the "Select-by-word-characters' text box, Close.
9 BruceKingsbury 28
29 !! My GNOME top panel is missing
31 To revert to the default panel configuration:
33 <pre>
34 gnome-session-remove gnome-panel
35 gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel
36 gnome-panel &
37 </pre>
39 Found at