Annotated edit history of GavinGrieve version 9 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
7 GavinGrieve 1 No longer a JAFFA, now living and working in Wellington for Datacom, and much happier for it. I'm currently doing fun stuff like creating PHP based web interfaces into systems management software, coding applications that create AWStats type reports for measuring KPI/SLA status, and generally being totally awesome.
8 GavinGrieve 2
3 This should have meant that I could sit down and drink beer with people like [StevePhillips], but I'm one slack bugger, so it hasn't eventuated as yet. I've only been here 18 months, so there is still plenty of time.
1 PerryLorier 4
3 GavinGrieve 5 Official Holy Goat. [AKA] HeKTik.
1 PerryLorier 6
7 ''Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.''
9 ''No Lister. What makes us different from animals is we don't use our own tounges to clean our genitals!'' -- Arnold Rimmer, RedDwarf, S01E05, Confidence and Paranoia
7 GavinGrieve 10
11 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement noimage=1 ?>
1 PerryLorier 12
6 AristotlePagaltzis 13 ----
14 CategoryHomePage