Annotated edit history of GNOME version 17, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
14 AristotlePagaltzis 1 An [Acronym] for [GNU] __N__etwork __O__bject __M__odel __E__nvironment.
9 AndrewMitchell 2
14 AristotlePagaltzis 3 [The GNOME project |] (pronounced with a hard "G") is a collaborative software project building a complete, user-friendly DesktopEnvironment entirely from FreeSoftware components. Its most apparent distinction is that it's built on the GimpToolKit, which is licensed under [LGPL] (more business-friendly than [KDE]'s [Qt], which is available under either [GPL] or as commercial payware). Components of [GNOME] include [GConf], [Nautilus], a virtual FileSystem layer (gnome-vfs), and more.
9 AndrewMitchell 4
16 AristotlePagaltzis 5 [GNOME] is the DesktopEnvironment of choice for business [Linux], adopted by the likes of [IBM] and SunMicrosystems. Much development on it was funded by [Ximian], a company founded by [GNOME] initiator MiguelDeIcaza and later purchased by [Novell]. [Novell] have set [Free] most of [Ximian]'s code, and the [Ximian] crew are now [Novell]'s team for LinuxOnTheDesktop.
9 AndrewMitchell 6
7 See also:
8 * [KDE]
9 * GnomeNotes
17 DouglasRo 10 * GnomeColourTheme

PHP Warning

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