Annotated edit history of GIF version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 CraigBox 1 [Acronym] for __G__raphics __I__nterchange __F__ormat.
1 PerryLorier 2
4 AristotlePagaltzis 3 A FileFormat for palettized images of at most 256 colours. It was designed by CompuServe in the 1980's utilizing the lossless [LZW] compression [Algorithm] to make it easier to share images online. This should later become a major headache; see [Unisys].
5 StuartYeates 4
5 Falling out of favour as [PNG] becomes more widely supported. Suitable for encoding images with a limited range of tones (logos and icons for exmaple) but poor for encoding digital photography due to the large number of tones generated in digital photography.
7 See also [JPEG], [PNG].