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the worst idea the media industry ever had.

Probably dreamed up by MarkeTroids in a fit of rage when they realised their sales were down 2% and that by controlling distribution, they would somehow increase sales.

My personal belief is that if you can hear it, you can copy it and that will be true until THEY (the entertainment industry) control every single device in your house capable of recording or playing back media. the RIAA and MPAA are big offenders here, but EMI is big on introducing CopyControlled discs. look on any cds you bought recently for a little circle and triangle symbol on the case.

but not to worry, it seems that WindowsXP from MicrosoftCorporation has no problem with these CopyControlled discs and rips them with two clicks of the mouse.

Doesn't that seem odd to you? being that MicrosoftCorporation is pushing Palladium which is a rather large DRM effort. Maybe they care about their own DRM , just not anyone elses DRM.

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