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!!! WlugCommittee meeting ''What?'' * CommitteeHandover * cheque signing rights * meeting room problems (last two meetings not possible in meeting room) * (further) discussion of [Monday night meeting|MeetingTopics.2012-05-28] topics * further discussion of raspberry pi in school project? * SFD? (Ill register just in case, to see if t-shirts are still available etc) ''Where? '' * at Bruce's place ''When?'' * 10am !!Minutes * CommitteeHandover: done * *cheque signing*: will get sorted out next week with [Ronnie|http://wlug.org.nz/RonnieCollinson] getting ASB form signed by [Chris|http://wlug.org.nz/ChrisOhalloran] and then faxing it down to Wellington to get [John|http://wlug.org.nz/JohnBillings] to sign it * *meeting room problems:* instead of having workshops in November/December, we will just have a BBQ around that time (TBA) * *Raspberry Pi:* decision postponed till after [Rene's|http://wlug.org.nz/ReneBartosh] [presentation|MeetingTopics.2012-08-27] * *SFD:* [Rod|http://wlug.org.nz/RodAldridge] and [Bruce|http://wlug.org.nz/BruceKingsbury] will figure out whether the PC club can move its meeting on the 15/9 to the week before that wlug can hold SFD on that day at Te Whare O Te Ata (Fairfield Chartwell Community House) * [AGM] preparation: [Ronnie|http://wlug.org.nz/RonnieCollinson] will figure out what is required in changing the society's charter regarding lifetime memberships * future direction of wlug website, member management discussed; ideas: VPS at Rimu, elgg * Some discussion of future meeting topics, including Android, btrfs + a couple more. Other suggestions welcomeh
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