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Newer page: | version 8 | Last edited on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:47:48 am | by IanMcDonald | Revert |
Older page: | version 7 | Last edited on Monday, October 15, 2007 10:36:03 pm | by SimonGreen | Revert |
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Venue: LindsayDruett's place (3 John-Webb Drive)
Meeting opened: 7:35pm
-Present: BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett, SimonGreen, JohnBilling
+Present: BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett, SimonGreen, JohnBillings
Apologies: JamesPluck, ChrisOhalloran
[Previous Minutes|CommitteeMeetingTopics.2007-09-17] moved by SimonGreen seconded by BruceKingsbury
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@
* ... but a reluctance of 'no support' especially in server installations
The three general committee members have each been given a job to do:
is going to look into start a local Freegeek [http://www.freegeek.org] group. The general concept is to recycle old hardware, install Linux, and donate to community groups. John and Bruce are going to start it up. The actual work will be done by enthusiastic young people (suggested year 13 students). This will provide them with hands on experience and allow them to volunteer time to a good cause.
is going to look into start a local Freegeek [http://www.freegeek.org] group. The general concept is to recycle old hardware, install Linux, and donate to community groups. John and Bruce are going to start it up. The actual work will be done by enthusiastic young people (suggested year 13 students). This will provide them with hands on experience and allow them to volunteer time to a good cause.
Rod is going to work with outreaching WLUG to other groups.
Simon is going to continue with membership and server management. He will also be the backup librarian / coffee boy if James cannot make it to a meeting.
Penguin costume
- After successful uses of tux at the Rugby and SFD, it was decided to have Tux make a visit to various place
on a monthly basis. The committee voted 5 - 0 to buy the costume.
+ After successful uses of tux at the Rugby and SFD, it was decided to have Tux make a visit to various places
on a monthly basis. The committee voted 5 - 0 to buy the costume.
New blade server
- Craig is waiting for the Canterbury DHB to official
write the machine off. James is continue
to obtain shipping quotes to get the server from Chch to Hamilton.
+ Craig is waiting for the Canterbury DHB to officialy
write the machine off. James is continuing
to obtain shipping quotes to get the server from Chch to Hamilton.
The next workshop will be at the usual location (Te Whanau PÅ«tahi). The committee have agreed in principle to provide a koha for the use of facilities and towards the cost of Internet. No discussion was held on the exact amount.
- James and Bruce are presenting this months meeting on gaming in Linux. It's in a fortnight due to next Monday been Labour Day. The next committee meeting will be at Lyndsay
's place on November 19th
+ James and Bruce are presenting this months meeting on gaming in Linux. It's in a fortnight due to next Monday been Labour Day. The next committee meeting will be at Lindsay
's place on November 19th