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Meeting Opened 7:30 Present: IanMcDonald, BruceKingsbury, JamesPluck, ChrisOhalloran, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett Apol: SimonGreen Previous minutes approved: Ian/James Treasurers report: No activity. $1614.32 in the bank, $58 petty cash. Correspondence: None General Business: Constitutional amendment: The wording of the constitution currently doesn't make the president a signatory. We need to change the wording to be 2 of 3 signatures, treasurer, secretary and president, which means we need to give notice that we're amending the constitution before the AGM. - secretary to look into this. Library: Ordered 4 books from OReilly, one from Peachpit. Reregistered with OReilly as occasionally required. OReilly give LUG members a discount, enter "DSUG" as a discount code and you get 35% off all titles. James is doing an audit of the library. Next Workshop: to be organised br Bruce and Rod. We may try to promote this one in whatsonhamilton website and the Waikato Times weekend column. Future Meetings: * July: Peter Harrison * August: Intel? BSD? 3D desktops? Virtulisation? MythTV? * Sept: AGM * Oct: * Nov: Server status: Simon was not present to report, but the new mail certificate appears to have been installed. Meeting closed: 8:45 Next meeting 7:30pm Aug 20 at LindsayDruett's place, 3 John Webb Drive CommitteeMeetingTopics
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