Blame: CommitteeMeetingTopics.2007-05-21
Annotated edit history of CommitteeMeetingTopics.2007-05-21 version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 BruceKingsbury 1 Meeting at Ian's place, 18 Hinton. 7:30
1 BruceKingsbury 2
4 BruceKingsbury 3 Present: Bruce, James, Ian, Lindsay, Simon, Rod
4 Apologies: Chris
6 Meeting opened 7:30
8 Previous minutes approved; Simon / James
10 1) Correspondence: none
12 2) Matters Arising: none
14 3) Treasurers report:
15 <pre>
16 Opening balance $1487.70
17 Paid $30 to Orcon for domain renewal
18 Received $156.62 from Google ads.
19 Closing balance $1614.32, petty cash $72.65
20 </pre>
22 4) Server status: Orcon are changing data center around, at some point we need to move the server. Waiting to hear exactly when from Orcon. Ian will talk with Daniel about what needs to be done. Drives and SSL certificates have still not been sorted out.
24 5) SFD / Installfest: Simon will sign up to SFD mailing list and organize Library Display. Installfest needs to happen. Someone needs to organize a SFD display, perhaps Chris? Rod and Bruce are both happy to help out, but not confident enough to organize the whole event.
26 6) Future meetings: Several suggestions which we can look into
27 <pre>
28 Peter Gutman on DRM
29 [sTeam|] collaboration software
30 Nokia's Linux PDA
31 Sony PS3 Linux
32 Peter Harrison on CopyrightLaw or DRM or Patents
33 RubyOnRails
34 </pre>
36 7) Workshops: We have confirmed the use of IT Training's room on June 9th. Bruce and Rod will make it happen.
38 Meeting closed 8:40
3 IanMcDonald 40 -----
41 CommitteeMeetingTopics