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__Minutes:__ 1 Minutes of previous meeting - approved Ian / Chris 2 Matters arising None 3 Correspondence 4 bank statements 4 Treasurers report Paid out $254.25 HDD for [server|WlugServer], $133.06 for [BBQ|MeetingTopics.2006-12-10]. Received from [Google] $215.74 Opening balance $1497.52, Closing balance $1325.95, Petty cash $108 5 Topics for 2007 meetings Next meeting is 22nd not 29th. Jan 22 - Cairo presents a dual-boot WinXP/Edgy install Feb 26 - MSFT discusses the Novell deal We will try and book more outside speakers. Discussed a number of people we should contact. Suggested speakers were OpenOffice, Firefox, Sun (Solaris/Java), RedHat, Craig Neville-Manning (coming to Hamilton in April), Richard Lummis (VoIP), John O'Donoghue (LiteUp), doing backups in Linux, look at Auckland LUG speakers. 6 Public advocacy events Focus on business - Which members already have industry contacts? Workshops - Went very well last year apart from limited space and bandwidth Bruce would like Bigger location, Better connection (deal with PlaNet?) and/or local apt cache. Commitment from members to improve the guru:newb ratio. Bruce and Lindsay working on this. September: Big advocacy push in conjunction with SFD. SFD display, followed by install/postinstall/howtofix presentation, followed by installfest/fixfest 7 General Business Orcon - Bruce to email Craig Whitmore with new address (PO Box 21051 zip 3249) IT Partners - Bruce to write letter of thanks for projector. - Bruce blames Christmas break for slackness. Seconded by several others. Meeting closed 8:40 Next committee meeting was going to be at Simon's but has been moved to James's place, 31 Aberfoyle Street [7:30 Feb 19th|CommitteeMeetingTopics.2007-02-19] ----- CommitteeMeetingTopics
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