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__WLUG Committee Meeting__%%% __24 August 2006__ Meeting opened at 7:50pm. Present: CraigBox, LindsayDruett, IanMcDonald, PerryLorier, DavidHallett, MatthiasDallmeier !1. Minutes from previous meeting Moved: LindsayDruett%%% Seconded: IanMcDonald Motion carried !2. Matters arising CraigMckenna is "going to get it to us any day". Lindsay to call him tomorrow. !3. Correspondence None !4. Treasurers report Two payments have been received for 2006-2007. !5. New Hoiho Lindsay has made arrangements with Orcon and the server is going in on 11am on Saturday. We will be receiving a formal agreement with Orcon in the near future. Perry will co-ordinate repair of the database for moving it to the new server. !6. Advocacy event planning !6.1 Goals Ask for e-mail address in return for CD - piece of paper, put on list. Happy with goals as written on the forum. !6.2 Media Coverage (Ian) We currently have a half-finished media release. Ian has a plan for sending this out this weekend - any further edits can be made tomorrow. !6.3 Demo computers (Craig) No Mac. Windows, Linux PCs. - IT Partners to provide. Have an ipod/show ipod sync. !6.3.1 Security * Available 10-5 - set up beforehand. * Need to have Kensington locks for laptops. * PCs will be under the table. !6.4 Network Access (David) No option for cable. David to call Telecom. Failing that, look at WAND doing a temporary wireless connection. !6.5 Shirts/Presentation (Craig) 2 shirts + 4 extra - Craig to order 3L, 3XL. RimuHosting keen to sponsor more. !6.6 Tables (Lindsay) We have 2 x 5m of space. We are provided with 1 table, 1 tablecloth, 2 chairs. 1800mm by 600mm. Need another table. !Display Cases (Lindsay) Lindsay suggests talking to Peter Stone - COGs at the Library - for display cases. (Stand Up Jobbies) !Pinboards (Linsday, Craig) Investigate (2 of if possible). !6.7. Giveaways - CD To use SFD ones if possible - Have ISOs on a machine to burn !Balloons (Matthias) * Investigate prices for helium - Hamilton Party Hire. * Investigate balloon printing !Glossy Printing (Craig) David suggests Zoom Print. !6.8. Penguin Suit (Greig) Jayne might be keen (!). Get back in touch with Mystique/investigate further/require adult sized suit & to send them a picture of Tux. !6.9. Follow-Up Meeting 25th of September - TW2.07 as usual. No topic specified - depending on e-mails and talking to people, decide generic topic. Welcome meeting, end of committee year meeting, pizza & refreshments. !7. Announcement of AGM AGM to be held on 2 October, one week after the 25th of September. !7.1. Plan of meetings for next months Make contact with IBM, Novell and Red Hat, to see if we can get some traction - get an October meeting if possible. In person - 1 week before SFD - separate from WLUG. !8. "CommitteeToDo" Everyone wants Craig to badger them. !9. Forums To keep running as they will take a while to pick up. Want a smarter answer for forum spam management !10. General business David to do TNC. Phone Lin. Next meeting: 21st September, Ian's house. Meeting closed at 9:49pm. ----- CommitteeMeetingTopics
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