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WLUG Committee Meeting
17 November 2004
Provisional Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7.43pm

Present: GreigMcGill, CraigBox, JohnMcPherson, JamieCurtis, PerryLorier, CraigMckenna, GianPerrone
Apologies: MattBrown Absent: KyleCarter

1. Minutes from previous meeting

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting

Moved JamieCurtis
Seconded CraigBox

Motion passed

2. Matters arising from previous meeting

  • WLUG business cards have been dispensed.
  • A set of book reviews have been sent off to Woodslane and some books have been ordered. There have also been reviews sent to O'Reilly but no response has been had yet.
  • GavinDenby has been in touch with a syllabus for the course that he wants to run. Greig to contact regarding a possible January start.
  • Greig expressed disappointment with regard to the last meeting (new user introduction), in that the point seems to have sailed right over the heads of some people.
  • New Wiki - John still working on. Currently we need to disable the AllPages plugin in order to stop the wiki dying when it's hit by Google.
  • Reminder bot is still not working properly - Perry to look into again
  • Greig to chair meeting with RodneyHide - no contact from RedHat yet.
  • No response from NZLUG; Greig to follow up.
  • CraigMckenna has fixed the billing problem with WLUG's DNS.

Motion: that Greig be authorized to spend up to $50 to buy a kettle for use at WLUG meetings.

Moved GreigMcGill
Seconded PerryLorier

Motion passed

3. Correspondence


4. Treasurers report

Currently WLUG have $922 + petty cash.

4. General business

  • WLUG end of year barbeque - Sat 4 Dec as primary date, Fri 10th as backup.
  • Exim author may possibly attend NZNOG conference if enough funds raised - if so we will look at having a WLUG meeting for him to speak at.
  • We should look at for other possible speakers.
  • John has written a script to kick out members that haven't paid, and the output should be posted to the committee mailing list monthly.
  • The CommitteeToDo page should be posted fortnightly to the list.
  • The committee are still considering co-opting new members.
  • GianPerrone was asked to take over the fundraising position from KyleCarter.

Meeting closed at 8:40pm.


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