
WLUG Executive Committee Meeting

21 January 2003

Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7:39.

Present: Daniel, Craig B, Craig M, Phil, John, Matt, Jamie, Perry, Greig

1. Minutes from previous meeting:

Motion: that the minutes of the previous meeting be amended to note that "Craig" was "Craig B" and that the Unix tutorials were held in the first half of 2002.

Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Matt

Motion passed

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting

Moved: Craig B
Seconded: Daniel

Motion passed

2. Reports from last meeting

Postal address on WLUG account to be changed so that Craig !McKenna? is sent bank statements. Perry is to be gently prodded into implementing LDAP on Hoiho.

3. WLUG Library

We would like to be able to keep a history of hiring in our library software, so will need a database backend. - Jamie still to do; preferred registrar for DNS change is Orcon

Publisher emails to WLUG will be sent directly to the committee mailing list.

4. WLUG presence at NZNOG conference

DLE shaped flyer will be prepared by Tuesday - Phil to do.

Motion: that the committee put together a flyer to submit to the NZNOG conference organisers for putting in registration packs

Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Perry

Motion passed

5. Unix tutorials at university

Matt has nothing to report - will get in touch with CS staff and return next meeting.

6. General Business

Matt to talk to public library.

Possible next meeting topic: NathanWard, Asterisk/VoIP.

Paid Banner Advertising

Motion: that the position of the WLUG regarding advertising be that the WLUG will not sell advertising, while sponsorship will be considered by the committee on a case by case basis.

Moved Jamie
Seconded Craig M

Motion passed

Repost the list of tasks as discussed a couple of months ago - Craig B to do. Fix meeting reminder bot - Perry

Greig to investigate fundraising opportunities.

We would like to note that we did not have a committee meeting in December due to the WLUG barbeque being moved to that date.

WLUG needs bookshelves for Open2View; to be investigated this month.

Meeting closed at 8:24pm

Next committee meeting to be held at DaHoose; next presentation to be held at Computer Upgrades 2000 if possible.
