Present: Daniel, Jamie, Craig B, Craig M, Perry, Greig, Bruce, Gavin, Matthias
Apologies: Phil
Meeting opened at 7:20.
Motion: that WLUG committee meetings will occur at 7pm (30 mins before the public meeting).
Moved Daniel
Seconded Bruce
Motion passed
Motion: that the committee express disappointment at the reported actions of S. Gupta, and that that disappointment be expressed to S. Gupta in a written letter.
Moved Gavin
Seconded Daniel
Motion passed
Motion: that we sever all relationships with Net4u Limited
Moved: Greig
Seconded: Craig B
Motion passed
Motion: that we authorize Jamie Curtis to oversee the temporary and permanent relocation of the WLUG Server
Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Gavin
Motion passed
It was agreed to start the process of establishing a code of ethics via the wiki and complete this at some future date.
Meeting closed at 8:58pm
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