
WLUG Executive Committee Meeting

26 March 2003

Meeting Minutes

Present: Daniel, Jamie, Craig B, Craig M, Perry, Greig, Bruce, Gavin, Matthias
Apologies: Phil

Meeting opened at 7:20.

1. Minutes from previous meeting

Motion: that WLUG committee meetings will occur at 7pm (30 mins before the public meeting).

Moved Daniel
Seconded Bruce
Motion passed

The chairman moved Item 2, WLUG Code of Ethics to after Item 4.

3. Sahil Gupta - WLUG Membership

Motion: that the committee express disappointment at the reported actions of S. Gupta, and that that disappointment be expressed to S. Gupta in a written letter.

Moved Gavin
Seconded Daniel
Motion passed

4. Relocation of Hoiho (WLUG Server)

Motion: that we sever all relationships with Net4u Limited

Moved: Greig
Seconded: Craig B
Motion passed

Motion: that we authorize Jamie Curtis to oversee the temporary and permanent relocation of the WLUG Server

Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Gavin
Motion passed

2. Establishment of a WLUG Code of Ethics

It was agreed to start the process of establishing a code of ethics via the wiki and complete this at some future date.

5. General Business

Meeting closed at 8:58pm
