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People that are involved in the global Linux community.

If you want to see the people that are part of WLUG (some of which may be involved in the global Linux community one day!), see People?.

This category needs a rethink. Whom are we trying to categorize here? "!CategoryPeople" seems too broad for people involved in the Linux community. Maybe this should be a category for pages on persons in general - be them WLUG members, Linux people, or others. Then maybe have !CategoryLinuxPeople? and so on? --AristotlePagaltzis

I've been using it as a place to link in "famous" people who aren't anything to do with either WLUG or this Wiki... (although the php wiki programming team are related to the wiki). There aren't really that many people (yet). If it gets too big maybe they could be further categorised. -- JohnMcPherson

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