Annotated edit history of CategoryIsp version 4 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 I have contemplated "doing an Aristotle" on the [ISP] category after doing the telcos, however I think that looking at the [ISP] page we might have a bit of a problem.
4 IanMcDonald 3 Options include going down the "~CategoryWirelessIsp, ~CategoryAdslIsp, ~CategoryDialupIsp, ~CategoryHistoricalIsp" road, or just not. :) Opinions welcome. -CraigBox.
3 BlairHarrison 5 ----
4 IanMcDonald 6 I don't think there are really enough ISPs in NZ that we care about.... you'd have like three or four in each category, and some in all of them... however, CategoryIsp and ~CategoryHistoricalIsp could be an idea, as there are plenty of now-defunct ISPs .. -BlairHarrison
8 Not worthwile in my opinion - historical is not needed so much with NewZealandInternetHistory now - IanMcDonald.