Annotated edit history of CHS version 1, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 AristotlePagaltzis 1 An [Acronym] for __C__ylinder, __H__ead, __S__ector.
3 The classic HardDisk sector addressing mode where a sector is identified by a coordinate for each of the axes.
5 [CHS] was conceived at a time when 10[MB] was the average capacity of a HardDisk. Nowadays, the ranges available for the coordinates of each axis have become insufficient to express the actual location of a sector, so [CHS] addresses have long ceased to correspond to the actual location of a sector. Performance considerations also play a role here. In practice, [CHS] addresses are therefore translated by the HardDisk's electronics to map them to the real position of a sector.
7 [CHS] has been superseded by [LBA]