A directory of businesses who provide commercial support for Linux and/or FLOSS software (and some who make extensive use of FLOSS):
(perhaps someone could work their way through
this nzlinux page and add any of those that they think are appropriate? (basically this is a reminder to myself for future reference, unless someone else gets to it first -- zcat ))
- BusinessSystemsDevelopments specialise in custom database applications and software solutions, from small intranet sites to mission critical systems for some of New Zealands largest companies.
Endace designs, develops, sells and supports high-speed packet capture technology, open development environments and multi-function network monitoring appliances.
- FxNetworks deliver high-performance internet and private networking services to businesses, government agencies and the ISP industry.
Global -Pix provides professional photography services
HallettITConsulting exists, and they do FLOSS stuff. That's about all we know.
- ItPartners is a Data Center Solution Provider specializing in industry leading server, storage and network offerings.
OpenOpportunities specialises in training in Open Source Software technologies on multiple computing platforms.
- RimuHosting specialize in Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting plans using Xen.
- TechnologyWise Are a Tauranga based company that provides consulting on FOSS software applications.
- VelocityNetworks is a broadband (high speed) network provider based in Hamilton.
- WebFarm is a New Plymouth-based Internet services company
- CityLink is a broadband (high speed) network provider based in Wellington.
Amberdms provides Linux consulting services (with RHCE certified engineers) and are also the developers of several FOSS applications including accounting software.
Catalyst is one of the largest if not the largest provider of customized FOSS solutions for business in New Zealand. Supporting applications like Moodle, Mahara, Drupal, Koha and more.
(originally sourced from CategoryCompany)