Annotated edit history of BuildTools version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 A class of tools for building (compiling, testing and installing) software. make(1) is the cannonical build tool, but [Ant] is becoming widespread in [Java]-centric projects and many projects still use handcrafted bash(1) scripts. Another interesting make-alternative is [Jam|]. Monolithic [IDE]s are also build tools, but some [IDE]s interface to specialist build tools (VisualStudio with nmake, [Emacs] with make(1) or [Ant]). The BuildTools for some high level [ProgrammingLanguage]s are written in the language itself (such as the __distutils__ package for [Python] programs and the somewhat new __Module::Build__ module for [Perl] programs).