Annotated edit history of BudgeTone version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 !!Getting a Grandstream BudgeTone phone working with [Asterisk]
3 [Buy a phone|] from [DickSmith] Electronics.
5 Find it's IP address (menu, down, menu) and go to it with a web br
2 CraigBox 7 Log in with password 'budgieclub'. [Thanks, Hayden!|]
1 CraigBox 8
2 CraigBox 9 * type in SIP server to 'SIP server' box
1 CraigBox 10 * leave outbound proxy blank
2 CraigBox 11 * type your extension number (or whatever your SIP id is) into 'SIP User ID' and 'Authenticate ID'
1 CraigBox 12 * Type your password in 'Authenticate password'
13 * Set your name as you see fit
14 * remove TFTP upgrade server
15 * set NTP server
17 Click 'update', go back to Advanced settings, and click 'reboot'.
19 You should probably support Slingshot's [iTalk|], as they might subsidise the phone. See AsteriskItalkSetup.