Annotated edit history of BootStrap version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigMckenna 1 A software program for initiating the operation of a computer.
7 AristotlePagaltzis 3 The function of the program is to set up the input and output ([I/O]) devices and load the OperatingSystem, commonly from a HardDisk. Once upon a time, the medium might also have been a cassette, or built-in [ROM].
1 CraigMckenna 4
2 CraigBox 5 Because the computer gets itself up and going from an inert state, it could be said to lift itself up "by its own bootstraps" -- this is where the term [Boot] originates.
3 StuartYeates 6
6 AristotlePagaltzis 7 Other computer systems are also said to have a bootstrap. For example when writing a [Compiler] written in the ProgrammingLanguage that the [Compiler] compiles (think about it for a second), it is necessary to have either a CrossCompiler or a BootStrap -- a program written in a different language ([Assembler] in the worst case scenario) which can be used to compile a cut-down version of the [Compiler] initially. Of course, once even a bare-bones version of the new [Compiler] runs on the new platform it can be used to compile more sophisticated versions of the [Compiler]. Given the choice, cross-compilation is usually preferred.