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Otherwise known as Trogs?. mrthetrog? on AIM.

CraigBox thinks I look a lot like a younger John Deacon from Queen. I have also been told I look like Damon Hill and the guy from Coldplay.

I hang out on UnderNet in #coders and #wlug and on EFNet in #kiwi and #linux-help. (does that sentence have more than it's quota of and's or what?)

I work for WISE Net in Masterton as an all around general Geek.

I also have an online Gallery at my website.

ReligiousWar opinions :

Check out SIPDirectory for my FWD number. I have Cisco 12SP+/30VIP IP Phone (about the oldest IP phone on the planet?) on my desk, connected to an Asterisk server under my desk. This combination works well ( as long as you don't mind the 80kbit/s ulaw codec) , so don't let anyone tell you the 12SP+ phones are worthless :)

I've put up some potentially useful info about getting the vip30 going with asterisk on my site here

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