Diff: BitstreamVera

Differences between version 7 and previous revision of BitstreamVera.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Friday, November 14, 2003 12:34:15 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Friday, November 14, 2003 11:39:06 am by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 ; __Bitstream Vera Serif__ : a serif font similar to Times 
 ; __Bitstream Vera Sans__ : a sans-serif font similar to Verdana/Helvetica 
 ; __Bitstream Vera Sans Mono__ : a monospace font slightly similar to Terminal 
-Unfortunely at the current version 1.10 the fonts only contain the characters from 8859- 15/Western Europe charsets, lacking support for characters such as "ā" (''A macron'', used for example in Maori ). Hopefully these will be added soon. 
+Unfortunely at the current version 1.10 the fonts only contain the characters from iso_ 8859_ 15(7) /Western Europe charsets, lacking support for characters such as "ā" (''A macron'', used for example in Māori ). Hopefully these will be added soon. 
 Information about the BitstreamVera fonts and downloads can be found with [GNOME's announcement |]. The wiki uses the BitstreamVera fonts if you have them installed. 
 Most distributions should have a package for the BitstreamVera fontset. If yours doesn't, see FontNotes for links and howtos on how to install them manually. If you want to check to see if they are installed correctly and how they look on your computer, run __xfontsel__, select "bitstream" from the ''fndry'' (foundry) dropdown and "bitstream vera" from the ''fmly'' (family) dropdown. For the following distributions, the package is called 
 ;; [Debian] : __ttf-bitstream-vera__ (in Testing/sarge and Unstable/sid) 
 ;; RedHat rawhide : __bitstream-vera-fonts__ 
 ;; [Slackware] 9.1 : __ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-noarch-2__