Annotated edit history of Backronym version 3 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 StuartYeates 1 A [Backronym] is an [Acronym] which was coined after the name was already in circulation.
2 AristotlePagaltzis 3 * [BASIC] is a classic [Backronym].
3 AristotlePagaltzis 4 * [Perl] did not originally mean anything in particular, but was later expanded as __P__ractical __E__xtraction and __R__eport __L__anguage – or, at your discretion, __P__athologically __E__clectic __R__ubbish __L__ister. (Yes, both are officially sanctioned.)
2 AristotlePagaltzis 5 * [GCC] became a [Backronym] when it's meaning was changed from [GNU] [C] [Compiler] to [GNU] [Compiler] __C__ollection.