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Acronym for Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, a degree offered at WaikatoUniversity

Instead of offering Major Subjects, the BCMS has the idea of 'streams', which is an area that you are interested in studying in

Streams Available include

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Technology
  • Graphics and Multimedia
  • Information Systems
  • Software Development
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematics, Economics and Finance

More information at the Waikato website:

A BCMS is generally a BSc majoring in Computer Science which happens to be 4 years long. No mention of streams is made once you actually get your degree. They just seem to be ways of making it easier to select papers and getting the prerequisites correct for the most part. Having said that, you are forced into selecting a stream with a BCMS, where it is optional in a BSc.

There are probably quite a few members of the LUG with one of these under their belt.