Auckland LUG in recent
discussions have been discussing what's wanted of a new website.
This Wiki provides a useful tool to collate feedback.
What the website should do - based on feedback from the mailing list
- Communicating with Members and the Public re the Next Meeting.
- Information on past meetings?
- News Items? With links to more detail?
- Current Events
- Pointer to the mailing list(s) obviously
General Website Requirements
- Must cleanly and presentably present AuckLUG to the world
- Should be appealing and interesting
- Current/fresh content
- Must have webmaster(s) prepared to keep it current and look after it on the long term view.
Feedback on a CMS
- Web-Editable without requiring shell/ftp access
- Multiple Contributors
- Maintenance Overheads - someone needs to own the site and be responsible for it
- Security aspects of using Dynamic Content
- Requires server-side extensions - PHP and MySQL
CMS Options
Other Options
- Take on a 'view' within (much like is a 'view' of and help extend the resource for Linux fans 'at large'
- Use a flat website with basic information and link to external resources eg / - or others?