Blame: AptSourcesList
Annotated edit history of AptSourcesList version 23 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
16 zcat(1) 1 !!New Zealand sources.list for apt(8) on [Debian] and Ubuntu
11 AdrianMidgley 2
3 apt's behaviour is moulded by files in /etc/apt: apt.conf(5) tells apt how to behave, and (more importantly) sources.list(5) tells apt where to look for packages. There are two types of entries in this file, __deb__ lines, referring to Debian binary package repositories, and __deb-src__ lines, for source packages. Unless you want to compile packages yourself from Debian sources, you can usually remove the deb-src lines from your config and save some time downloading headers.
5 If you're running a production server, or don't need bleeding edge, your lines should read
7 <verbatim>
8 deb [mirror] stable main contrib non-free
9 </verbatim>
11 The more exciting new stuff is in testing or unstable; see FlavoursOfDebian for more information on how this works.
13 !/etc/apt/sources.list
13 CraigBox 15 This is a file set up for a New Zealand user, using the stable distribtion. If you want to use testing or unstable, just change mentions of 'stable' to the flavor of your choice. If you have bandwidth to burn, enable more than one mirror at once (Packages.gz tends to be around 2mb.)
17 NOTE: if you use 'stable', when a new stable release happens, apt-get will start giving you new versions of packages, which could do all sorts of things. It pays to use the name of the distribution, ie 'sarge', in this case.
11 AdrianMidgley 18
19 There are plenty of other Apt mirrors around the world; try http://www.''your two letter country code''
21 <verbatim>
13 CraigBox 22 # WLUG sources.list for Debian. See
23 # for an up to date version. See sources.list(5) for more information.
24 #
25 # Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs -
11 AdrianMidgley 26 # CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.
27 #
28 # remember! stable == sarge. testing == etch. unstable == sid (always).
13 CraigBox 29 # non-us was removed as of the sarge release.
30 #
31 # If you are going to use stable, make sure security is enabled also.
11 AdrianMidgley 32
13 CraigBox 33 # Main NZ mirror: Citylink (national traffic if your [ISP] peers at [APE] or [WIX], international otherwise)
19 WillBryant 34 deb stable main contrib non-free
13 CraigBox 35 deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 36
13 CraigBox 37 # Security. Have this enabled, always. It's also best to use the official international
38 # mirror, which is an anycast address to your closest official mirror.
39 deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 40
13 CraigBox 41 # Volatile. Have this enabled to get things which are obsolete in stable, such as clamav.
42 # Read before using this.
11 AdrianMidgley 43
13 CraigBox 44 deb sarge/volatile main contrib non-free
45 #deb sarge/volatile main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 46
13 CraigBox 47 # Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
48 #deb-src stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 49
13 CraigBox 51 # ---
52 # Below this point are unofficial mirrors, which you might like to use if you are closer to them.
11 AdrianMidgley 53
13 CraigBox 54 # Uncomment to use Callplus's mirror
55 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 56
13 CraigBox 57 # Uncomment to use, hosted at Orcon:
58 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 59
13 CraigBox 60 # Uncomment to use Inspire's mirror:
61 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 62
13 CraigBox 63 # Uncomment to use IHUG's mirror:
64 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 65
13 CraigBox 66 # Uncomment to use Paradise's mirror:
67 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 68
13 CraigBox 69 # Uncomment to use AARnet in Australia
70 # deb stable main contrib non-free
72 # Uncomment to use the "main" American source
73 # deb stable main contrib non-free
11 AdrianMidgley 74
75 </verbatim>
77 !!Pinning your distribution
79 If you want to use packages from several distributions at once, see AptNotes for details on pinning packages.
12 IanMcDonald 80
81 !!Playing multimedia
83 To use [MP3]s or [DVD]s under [Debian] add the following line to your sources.list
13 CraigBox 84
12 IanMcDonald 85 <verbatim>
86 deb sarge main
87 </verbatim>
13 CraigBox 88
89 NB This might not be legal in your country.
91 Also, see if you want this for other versions of Debian or other processor architecutres than i386.
16 zcat(1) 92
15 LizReid 93
94 !!Ubuntu APT
16 zcat(1) 95
96 Synaptic does a very nice job of managing your ubuntu sources list. You can add the universe and multiverse repositories with a few mouseclicks, and even add non-standard repositories without leaving the GUI.
20 PeterHewett 98 The following URLs give you access to all of the officially supported packages in Ubuntu from the New Zealand mirrors.
99 *
100 *
21 StephenJudd 101
102 nz2 and nz appear to be in different network locations, and depending on whether your ISP has a sensible peering policy, one or other may offer much better bandwidth.
16 zcat(1) 103
104 Easyubuntu and automatix scripts have an option to update your sources.list too. Use this option with caution because it quite often screws up.
106 There's also [Source-O-Matic|] which will build you a sources list using the official, and some of the better-known unofficial repositories. This has always worked very well for me, and is a quick and easy way to get back to a working config if you let easyubuntu or automatix break it :-)

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