Diff: AntiAliasedFonts

Differences between version 13 and revision by previous author of AntiAliasedFonts.

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Newer page: version 13 Last edited on Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:48:16 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 12 Last edited on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1:52:28 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
@@ -6,22 +6,23 @@
 * FreeType 
 * Xft 
 * suitable fonts 
-Note that not all of your scalable fonts can automatically be antialiased. Only TrueType ''or Type1(?)'' fonts get the VIP treatment. [HowToTTXFree86] describes how to use TrueType fonts with XFree86 4.x. FontNotes has more links to font-related information for Linux 
+Note that not all of your scalable fonts can automatically be antialiased. Only TrueType ''or Type1(?)'' fonts get the VIP treatment. See FontNotes for links to more font-related information for Linux.  
 !!! Application support 
 Newer [X11] applications can use the antialiasing support that is built into the Xft/FreeType libraries. 
 !! [GTK2] and Qt 3 
 Both of these toolkits support antialiasing by default (using Fontconfig, see below). 
 !! [GTK] 1.2 
-You need [libgdkxft|], a library that modifies the font-drawing parts of the libraries to include anti-alias support. Unfortunately the library is buggy and the project is dead, so you are stuck with some widgets occasionally exhibiting faulty text rendering. To use this library, install it (__ apt-get install libgdkxft0__ ) and export __ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgdkxft.so__ . All [GTK] 1.2 applications started from that shell should be using AA. Be sure to [RTFM] (__ /usr/share/doc/libgdkxft0/README.Debian__ ). 
+You need [libgdkxft |], a library that modifies the font-drawing parts of the libraries to include anti-alias support. Unfortunately the library is buggy and the project is dead, so you are stuck with some widgets occasionally exhibiting faulty text rendering. To use this library, install it (<tt> apt-get install libgdkxft0</tt> ) and export <tt> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/</tt> . All [GTK] 1.2 applications started from that shell should be using AA. Be sure to [RTFM] (<tt> /usr/share/doc/libgdkxft0/README.Debian</tt> ). 
 !! Qt 2 
-Export __ QT_XFT=1__ and you're set. 
+Export <tt> QT_XFT=1</tt> and you're set. 
 !! Mozilla 
 This is, at the core, a [GTK] application. Note that it can be compiled against either 1.2 or 2.x. In the former case, the HTML rendering engine will still be able to use antialiased fonts natively, but the widgets will remain unantialiased unless you go through the libgdkxft contortions described above. See MozillaNotes for the settings you need to add to your preferences to enable antialiasing. 
@@ -31,9 +32,9 @@
 ! Turning anti aliasing off for certain sizes 
 Taken from []: 
-For example, to disable anti aliasing on fonts between size 8 and 15pt (or 11 and 20px), drop this in ~/fonts.conf: 
+For example, to disable anti aliasing on fonts between size 8 and 15pt (or 11 and 20px), drop this in <tt>~ ~/. fonts.conf</tt>
 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">