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Anime is the Japanese artform of wanting to be Caucasian. (Strangely enough it sprung up after World War 2.) They contain characters which are appealing to those who like to draw exactly what they see, but they do not create characters that inspire people to create further characters based on them.

I think of it as "a disgusting bastardisation of Japanese culture and childrens television to provide really bad entertainment for adults."

Pronounced 'aneem'. See also Hentai?.

(TV shows and movies such as Evanglion and Akira) are the only good non-comedy cartoons for people older than 12 and many people enjoy them. -- SimonCrosby.

Fair enough, but why is this a deal? Why do you have to watch cartoons? Do you read books anymore? The only cartoons I have watched (for people over 12) were comedies. And I don't have a problem with that, because I watch real people in movies and on TV. Even in unrealistic (sci-fi/fantasy) situations.

Anime is the artform that bought the world Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z and Pokemon. I want to dislike it. Hmph.

(Chalk another one up for 'inappropriate use of the wiki' :) -- Craig

I still don't know why your critisising anime. Cartoons are not just for children because they aren't "realistic" enough for adults. Fiction is not really supposed to be realistic. I watch anime because they are fun to watch. If you don't think so, well ... who cares ? :-) Also, I can forgive you for not liking Pokemon, Digimon, Zoids or the new Transformers. I hate them as well. There are also lots of good ones (not on tv in nz though). -- SimonCrosby

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