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Linux user since 1998, I have been using computers since 1988 and have always had an interest in computer communication and networking, this interest extended to linux in 1998 after using SCO Unix at Waiariki Polytechnic and wanting to have the power of unix on my home machine.

Before becoming a Linux user I had primarily been a Dos/Windows user. My main interests were programming and bulletin board systems. From 1994 to 1996 I ran Euphoria BBS in the Bay of Plenty town Whakatane, during this period i also maintained the New Zealand BBS list and was a Co-Sysop on several other BBS's such as "The Dungeon" in Wellington.

I spent 1 year at Waiariki Polytechnic in Whakatane doing CBC, from there i progressed to Waikato Polytechnic where I studied DipBC (Programming) which ruined my interest in programming mainly due to having to document every damn class in all my programs. After polytechnic I was initially employed at Compel Automation as a Systems Engineer where i met and worked with fellow WLUG member GreigMcGill a BadBadMan?, after doing this for approximately 9months I moved to Palmerston North and worked for Alpha & Omega Technology where I worked for 11 painfully boring months, at this point I returned to Hamilton and worked at Millennium Technology as a Computer Technician.

I am relocating to Napier to take up a position of IT Manager at an investment company.

I was a RedHat user, but now Gentoo is my daddy

I am also currently doing my CCNA so I can become CiscoNuts? and as soon as I have a spare $5k I will become RedHat certified.

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