Blame: AndrewMitchell
Annotated edit history of AndrewMitchell version 14, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 AndrewMitchell 1 [Nick]: ajmitch on [#wlug].
3 AndrewMitchell 2
3 on MetaNet
13 AristotlePagaltzis 4
5 A student who resides down in chilly Dunedin, who stumbled across this mad group one day on [IRC] and in a fit of madness, started talking to them. Likes to play around with things like [DotGNU], ~WebWare, [PHPGroupWare], [GNUEnterprise], but will he give you a straight answer?
7 <verbatim>
8 <ajmitch> i can never get a straight answer out of this place :)
9 <Isomer> ajmitch: y=2x+3
10 </verbatim>
14 AndrewMitchell 11
10 CraigBox 13
14 -----
14 AndrewMitchell 15 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
10 CraigBox 16 CategoryHomePage

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 5 times)