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!The human AndersGreen is a carbonbased bi-ped based in southern Sweden who is known on UnderNet as loucephyr or louie--. He's been seen WarDriving and GeoCaching, and lately he's been out WarWalking much and also known as a rabid user of [*BSD] and tries to run it on everything with a powercord. The days are spent working at the digital department of Swedens largest [ portraitphoto-lab | http://www.fotodesign.se/ ] petting the servers. ''have you tried running it on a toaster? -- AlastairPorter''%%% ''I have no toaster, and my fryingpan is cordless :) -- AndersGreen'' ---- !Interests include or included ''(in no conceiveble order)'': * Photography ** [ Documentary | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/ ] ** [ People (mostly girls) | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/galleri/ ] * Lanparties ** [ Lanparty portal | http://www.lana.nu/ ] ** [ Old pics | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/lan/ ] * 3D modelling ** [ Yepp | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/art/my3d/yepp/ ] * Photoretusching ** [ Lina | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/art/lina/ ] ** [ Wall pictures | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/art/wall-pictures/ ] * Exessive use of [CSS]/JavaScript ** [ Orbiter/LEMII | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/sites/orbiter/ ] ** [ Smudge/LEMIII | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/sites/smudge/ ] ** [ Stella | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/sites/stella/ ] * General abuse through shell- and [Perl]scripting ** [ tinydyn | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/programs/tinydyn/ ] ** [ empethree | http://mp3.fetast.nu:8080/ ] ---- !Projects * He's involved in the [ JWMP | http://wireless.jedi.school.nz ] project. * A [ prolonged van | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/warvan_020813/ ] equiped for wardriving. * Find some good use for his ''other'' Fujitsu Stylus 3400 pen-computer. The first is visible as ''tavlan.jpg'' [ here | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/misc/ ]. * Stationary MP3-player, see __Empeethree__ below. * WLAN on the beach with the help of [ Poor mans wifi | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/040623_wifi-parabol/ ]. * __Galleri__, a gallery for dummies. Easy upload and generation without effort. Mainly for lanparty attenders to get their pics online. ---- !Metanet I now have a Internet uplink to my flat, now i just need some time and determination to sit down and configure my router to deal with MetaNet. ---- !Empethree This is a i386 based stationary MP3 player. It runs FreeBSD and has a HTTP-based interface running on [ thttpd | http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/ ] with perl-cgi and MySQL as backend and with pure-ftpd. The box can sometimes be reached at [http://mp3.fetast.nu.8080/]. The plan is to realease it under the [BSD]-license.%%% __Existing features__ * Database contains fields for all ID3v1-tags. * Files can be added via HTTP or FTP are automaticly added to the database with their ID3v1 tag expanded. * Fast and clean (Quick and dirty) interface. * Optionally limited play queue. * Fast searching of any field or specific ID3v1 tag. __Planned features__ * Automatic copy of MP3s from inserted data-CDs. * Automatic MP3ing (with CDDB or similar) of inserted audio-CDs. __Distant features__ * Automatic mount of nearby shares * Connection to FastTrack, Gnutella and OpenFT etc networks for download of files. ---- !Misc Sometimes he enters a state of wikifrenzy where he keeps adding pages until there are no more irritating little questionmark icon. This tend to flood the WLUG:RecentEdits page tho, for wich he's wery sorry. He has a cat called [ Sauron | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/sauron_030305/ ] who likes to wake him up by lying on him during the night and demanding some attention. The cat called [ Isa | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/isa_031105/ ] is no more, she never got better. But now there's [ Selma | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/dumpster/documentary/041113_selma/ ] to keep Sauron company during the days. ---- Read more at [ his 'homepage' | http://louie.e.phetast.nu/ ] ----- CategoryHomePage ---- <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
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