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Newer page: | version 5 | Last edited on Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:45:26 am | by AristotlePagaltzis | |
Older page: | version 4 | Last edited on Monday, October 27, 2003 4:33:23 pm | by StuartYeates | Revert |
@@ -1,37 +1 @@
-__Advanced Methods of
] Killing__
-Note: If you have not done so already, I strongly advise you first read ZombieHuntingForDummies before proceeding with this guide.
-Now - while the two methods mentioned in ZombieHuntingForDummies tend to be more traditional, in this day and age there is a necessity for a few amendments.
-Why I say 'this day and age' is that nowadays most people don't tend to come prepared to fight [Zombie]s. Often they will come equipped only with a handgun or perhaps sub-machinegun or shotgun if they are fortunate.
-There is one very important, and reasonably simple rule that must be followed
here -
-A common mistake upon encountering the undead is to panic in fear and wildly fire off shots at your assailant, wasting precious ammunition! The most important thing to keep in mind when fighting [Zombie]s with projectile weapons, is that once you run out of ammo your weapon is next to useless. Therefore, you must make every shot count.
-* Handguns - If you come up against a single [Zombie], you have a pretty fair chance of coming out on top. If you come up against a few of them, you better hope you've been spending plenty of time at the local shooting range. Basically, don't bother aiming for anything but the top of the head or neck. Your objectives are two-fold, blow their brains out, or sever their spinal cord. This probably won't kill them, but it tends to disorient them and often disable them. If you are fortunate enough to have hollow-point ammunition your task will be much easier, as it tends to tear chunks rather nicely.
-* Sub-Machineguns (SMGs) - These are really only better than handguns in that they tend to hold more ammunition. The most important thing to remember when using an SMG is that just because they seem to have a lot of ammo and they fire real fast does __NOT__ mean you should fire at the torso! Employ the same tactics as with a handgun and you will be fine. The high rate of fire means you must be ''extra'' careful to conserve your ammo. If your SMG has a semi-automatic mode, I strongly advise you use it. As with handguns, hollow-point rounds are definitely the way to go.
-* Shotguns - Definitely the projectile weapon of choice when fighting [Zombie]s. The massive tear-and-shred effect of a close range blast of ball bearings make shotguns ideal for dispatching the undead. Once again, you are definitely better off aiming for the head and neck (which should be easy to hit with a shotgun), but you may find you can blow a [Zombie] clean in two if you aim for the lower-torso.
-;:A note on pump-action shotguns: as satisfying as that 'click-clack' sound is, ''only ever re-cock your shotgun after firing it!'' Many people tend to get carried away and wind up dropping precious unspent shells all over the place! Avoid this at all costs!
-Now, something you must accept when using projectile weapons on [Zombie]s is that there are ''ALWAYS'' going to be more [Zombie]s than you have bullets! You would be incredibly lucky to find you had enough ammunition to dispatch all the [Zombie]s you come across.
-It is for this reason that you must be prepared to go one on one with a [Zombie].
-''This method is __DEFINITELY NOT RECOMMENDED__ if you can avoid it!''
-* Hand to Hand Combat - In the terrible but often unavoidable event that you end up going hand to hand with a [Zombie], the best thing you can do is keep them at a distance. Once they've latched on to you is when they do real damage! If you are lucky and have long legs then USE THEM! Some swift leg work to the head may even be enough to break their neck and disorient them enough that you can escape. Punches are pretty much futile - you would be lucky to even keep them off. Just use kicks - kick hard, kick fast, and if you can, kick high - this will greatly increase your chance of survival.
-;:A few things for advanced hand to hand combat: If you are fairly agile and athletic, try using surrounding objects to bounce off of and gain some height and momentum - walls, crates, tables, etc - be a bit creative. Again, your goal should be to get fast, powerful kicks to the head.
-Now for a quick recap:
-* Don't panic.
-* Conserve your ammo.
-* Aim for the head and neck.
-* If it comes down to hand to hand, keep your distance and use kicks.
-Happy hunting, and good luck
] here.