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Over a weekend myself and my CoWorker decided to create a mail system using ActiveDirectory as a backend database for authentication of usernames.

This allows us a single central database for users names/passwords.

Software Configuration:

  • Windows 2003 Datacenter Server
  • Debian Linux 3.0 (woody)
  • Exim 3.35
  • Cyrus 2.1.15
  • Samba 3.0b2

to be continued...

Exim Configuration

Put this in your directors section of the exim config file.


driver = aliasfile search_type = ldapm query = "user=\"cn=james,ou=Admins,ou=Accounts,dc=clonedm,dc=regent,dc=ac,dc=nz\" pass=\"Secret12\" \


expand transport = local_delivery_cyrus

This will search the LDAP server (in this case, for entries that match sAMAccountName=$local_part and return the sAMAccountName, the sub? is important and instructs ldap to do a recursive (sublevel) search.
