Annotated edit history of AaronMartin version 13, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
13 AaronMartin 1 I've been using [Linux] since 1998 thanks to EvilBurt (Also called [Vernando]. Known in MeatSpace as VerneRoberts). Did a BCMS at WaikatoUniversity.
10 WikiAdmin 2
13 AaronMartin 3 I run my own company [Comtek Computing|] in Hamilton and Hawke's Bay, with my own time taken mostly by C# development with a few php / perl projects also on the go. Not religious in any way when it comes to operating systems, I use whatever is best for the project requirements.
12 AaronMartin 4
5 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
11 CraigBox 6
7 -----
8 CategoryHomePage