Annotated edit history of ALE070 version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 RichardBarrington 1 The Dynalink ALE070 is a USB connected modem with a ~GlobeSpan Virata chipset. Fortunately, this chipset is fairly well supported by the ECIADSL project, and this modem has been used successfully overseas.
5 RichardBarrington 3 * Dynalink ALE070 product page -
4 * ECIADSL project - %%%
5 * ECIADSL ALE070 support status -
1 RichardBarrington 6
7 The documentation is quite thorough, and setup doesn't take long. Binaries are available for many distributions.
4 CraigBox 9 !! [Ubuntu] 5.04 installation from source
10 * Ensure gcc(1), make(1), and similar are installed
1 RichardBarrington 11 * Install kernel headers with <code>apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.10-5</code>
12 * Download the source archive with <code>wget</code>
13 * Extract the archive with <code>tar -jxf eciadsl-usermode-0.10.tar.bz2</code> and then <code>cd eciadsl-usermode-0.10</code>
14 * Edit the package control file with <code>vi debian/control</code> and remove the pppoe dependency on line 10
6 SimonWerner 15 * Run <code>dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b</code> to build a package
1 RichardBarrington 16 * Finally <code>cd ..</code> and install the new package with <code>dpkg -i eciadsl_usermode_0.10.i386.deb</code>
18 The system can be configured with <code>eciadsl-config-tk</code>
19 * Remember to set VPI to 0 and VCI to 100
20 * Use the default synch01.bin
4 CraigBox 21 * Set the [PPP] mode to LLC_RFC2364
22 * Enter your JetStream username and password
1 RichardBarrington 23 * Save the config
25 The link can be brought up by running <code>eciadsl-start</code>
27 Any problems, please refer back to the project website and documentation.