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Newer page: | version 8 | Last edited on Sunday, November 28, 2004 10:55:45 am | by AristotlePagaltzis | Revert |
Older page: | version 7 | Last edited on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:01:32 pm | by MikeBeattie | Revert |
@@ -1,35 +1 @@
-[A6] is a way of specifying [IPv6] addresses in [DNS]
. It is specified in RFC:2874 and is considered by some as being the "standard" way of adding [IPv6] entries into the [DNS], however many consider it far too complex and use [AAAA] instead. See [AAAAvsA6] for discussion.
- N A6 64 ::1234:5678:9ABC:DEF0 SN-1.IP6
- SN-1.IP6 A6 48 :::1:: IP6
- IP6 A6 48 ::0 CUST-X.IP6.A.NET.
- IP6 A6 48 ::0 CUST-X.IP6.B.NET.
-Compare [AAAA].
-I tried setting this up at home - debian woody, bind9. I could do host -t A6 $domain fine, and host -t A6 $host.$domain worked too, although it returned the fragment for the host and the domain name as part of the record - not what its supposed to do. Glibc under debian woody doesn't appear to support it, and its listed as a bug as of June 15 2003, tagged 'wishlist'. Pity too, as A6 addressing makes a LOT of sense for dynamic IP.
-I had:
- $ORIGIN element.tla.
- test 10 IN A6 0 2002:6to4:prefix::
- $ORIGIN test.element.tla.
- helium 10 IN A6 0 ::1 test.element.tla.
-which is how I interpreted the bind9 docs on setting up A6 addressing. If i'm doing this wrong let me know. -- DanielLawson
-''Some name servers (bind9?) support [A6] -> [AAAA] translations, can this be enabled?''
-''I can find no mention of this. Bind9 supports A6 addresses in full, which are essentially identical to AAAA addresses, but thats not what I want''
[A6] here