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This is my (JohnMcPherson's) mutt rc file.

  1. ### GENERAL SETTINGS ####

set editor="emacs -nw" set visual="emacs -nw"

  1. use internal pager - get colours!
  2. but use less, we can get proper charset stuff

set pager="less"

  1. my terminal's default charset

set charset="utf-8" set sort=reverse-date

  1. path to sendmail for outgoing mail

set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi"

  1. Save sent mail
  2. set record="/Mail/mutt_Sent"

my_hdr Bcc: my@email.address

  1. don't show Bcc field to recipients!

set write_bcc="no" set from="\"My Name\" <my@email.address>"

  1. save-hook .*From:.* =sent
  2. run a script to choose a random sig

set signature="/bin/scripts/|"

        1. IMAP SETTINGS ####
  1. for imap rechecking

set timeout=60 set imap_user="myusername" set mail_check=30

  1. versions at uni don't have ssl support compiled in...
  2. set spoolfile={}
  3. set folder={}
  4. mailboxes {}
  5. make mutt use my imap account as default

set spoolfile={} set folder={} mailboxes {}

      1. #
        1. COLOUR SETTINGS ####
  1. - default, and color<n> are special
  2. color <obj> [bright?<foreground> <background>
      1. I've never actually managed to get these to work - John
  3. color "body" green black e
  4. color header yellow yellow e
  5. color "signature" green color2
  6. color bold green green
  7. color quoted green default
  8. color signature red default
    1. Indicator is the currently selected message ##
  9. color indicator brightyellow red

color indicator red white


  1. color error brightred default
      1. color error brightred white
        1. GPG SETTINGS ####
  2. %p Expands to PGPPASSFD=0 when a pass phrase is needed, to an empty
  3. string otherwise. Note: This may be used with a %? construct.
  4. %f Expands to the name of a file containing a message.
  5. %s Expands to the name of a file containing the signature part
  6. of a multipart/signed attachment when verifying it.
  7. %a The value of $pgp_sign_as.
  8. %r One or more key IDs.
  9. automatically sign all outgoing messages

set pgp_autosign=yes

  1. which key to use

set pgp_sign_as="0x1EAA5AC1"

  1. automatically check messages

set pgp_verify_sig=yes

  1. for checking pgp/mime signatures

set pgp_verify_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f"

set pgp_decode_command="gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --batch --output - --decrypt %f"

set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --batch --output - --decrypt %f"

  1. for creating detached pgp sig (mime/pgp)

set pgp_sign_command="gpg --passphrase-fd 0 -o - --detach-sign --textmode --armor --always-trust %f"

  1. for signing and encrypting

set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="pgpewrap gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch -o - --sign %?a?-u %a? --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap gpg -v --batch -o - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

  1. doesn't work - mutt turns %r into email address instead of key...
  2. set pgp_getkeys_command="gpg --keyserver --recv-key %r"
  3. read in the public key ring

set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-keys %r"

  1. export a key from the public key ring

set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"

This is AristotlePagaltzis' .muttrc
                                  1. #

set realname="A. Pagaltzis" set from="pagaltzis@foo.bat"

set folder=/mail set spoolfile=/mail/0/inbox set mbox=/mail/0/inbox set record=/mail/0/sent set postponed=/mail/0/postponed set alias_file=/.addressbook

source /.addressbook

mailboxes \

=0/inbox \ =0/postponed \ =0/sent \ =0/signups \ =lists/foo \ =lists/bar \ =lists/baz \ =lists/quux \ =personal/joe \ =personal/schmoe \ =personal/doe \ =personal/moe \

subscribe \ \ \ \ \

                                  1. #

set copy set fcc_attach set delete unset beep unset beep_new unset mark_old

                                  1. #
  1. use vim, tell it to set cursor on first line of body

set editor="vim -c 'set textwidth=60 | normal }j'" set use_from set envelope_from set user_agent set attribution="* %n <%a> %M)?:" set forward_format="Fwd: <%a> %s" set forward_quote set fast_reply set reply_self set include set reply_to set ignore_list_reply_to set edit_headers set abort_nosubject set abort_unmodified unset confirmappend

                                  1. #
    1. BINDS

bind pager <up> previous-line bind pager <down> next-line macro pager c '<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>' macro index c '<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>' macro attach i '|display -<enter>'

                                  1. #

set sort=threads set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F %s" set menu_scroll

set pager_stop set implicit_autoview

alternative_order text/plain text/html

ignore * # display none of the headers by default unignore \

Sender \ From \ Organization \ Reply-To \ Date \ To \ Cc \ Subject \ User-Agent \ X-Editor \ X-Mailer \ X-Newsreader \ X-Posting-Agent \ Newsgroups \ X-Resent \ Followup-To \ Mail-Followup-To \ Message-Id \

hdr_order \

Sender \ From \ Organization \ Reply-To \ Date \ To \ Cc \ Subject \ User-Agent \ X-Editor \ X-Mailer \ X-Newsreader \ X-Posting-Agent \ Newsgroups \ X-Resent \ Followup-To \ Mail-Followup-To \ Message-Id \

                                  1. #
    1. COLORS
  1. used in all screens

color status brightcyan blue color index brightwhite default "N" # new messages color index brightwhite default "O" # new messages color index red default "D" # deleted messages color search black white

  1. pager

color quoted cyan default color quoted1 yellow default color quoted2 cyan default color quoted3 yellow default color quoted4 cyan default color quoted5 yellow default color signature brightblue default color attachment brightwhite default

  1. URLs

color body brightcyan default "(finger|ftp|https?|news|telnet):[^ >)\"\t?+" color body brightcyan default "www\\.[-.a-z0-9?+\\.[a-z?[a-z?[a-z??([-_./a-z0-9?+)?" color body brightcyan default "[-a-z_0-9.+?+@[-a-z_0-9.?+"

  1. highlight bold underlined /italic/ text
  2. doesn't seem to be solvable more elegantly :-(

color body brightwhite default "alnum:?][*_/?alnum:?]+[*_/?alnum:?]" color body brightwhite default "^[*_/?alnum:?]+[*_/?alnum:?]" color body brightwhite default "^[*_/?alnum:?]+[*_/?$"

  1. smileys

color body brightyellow default "(^| )8?-?[?[)(PDp/?+($| )" color body brightyellow default "<[Bb??[Gg?>"

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